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Diving in the Reef

About CHC

CHC - Conscious Holographic Coding
offers a unique, precise, and results-driven approach
to reprogramming your subconscious mind.

What is CHC?

It is a method to establish a direct dialogue with your subconscious, to find precisely and quickly what is blocking you from your goals. Whether it be health, wealth, relationship success, business, or any other goals.


CHC then clears these blocks and replaces them with your own chosen conscious desired programs and outcomes.

CHC uses neurofeedback and clinically effective energetic maps.

​They are proven to achieve whole-brain coherence, self-validation, and subconscious alignment for faster and excellent results.


~ Tao Grace ~

The Pioneers

In 15 years of my practice, this holographic way of recoding via the nervous system field has been very effective in the following areas.

Physical ailments, “Mystery” illnesses, chronic issues, muscle pains. optimize performance - music, fitness, public speaking, business, confidence, etc. Clear childhood trauma and self-sabotaging patterns. Clear relationship blockages and reactivity. Clear income blocks. Navigate your purpose - process called "Soul compass" that helps you find way. Mental health - clearing anxiety, emotional issues, brain fog. Can also be effectively used as precise oracle.

~Tao Grace~


~ Jovielle ~

The Pioneers

Since her cosmic awakening in 2012, Jovielle left her thriving career in investment banking and law management to follow her passion: advancing consciousness. She firmly believes that consciousness is the linchpin of global change. With a global mindset, Jovielle aims to spearhead infrastructure development and strategic initiatives that empower humanity to harmonize with cosmic and nature-based consciousness. As a visionary, co-producer, teacher, and practitioner of Conscious Holographic Coding (CHC), she's uniquely positioned to achieve her aspirations alongside like-minded visionaries and cosmic souls.


Key Benefits

Physical Ailments: CHC has effectively addressed physical ailments, including "mystery" illnesses, chronic issues, and muscle pains. Identifying and clearing energetic blocks in the holographic field, it supports the body's natural healing processes.

Performance Optimization: CHC has successfully optimized performance in various domains such as music, fitness, public speaking, and business. It can help individuals overcome performance anxiety, increase confidence, and enhance overall performance.

Childhood Trauma and Self-Sabotaging Patterns: CHC provides a method for clearing childhood trauma and self-sabotaging patterns. Accessing and reprogramming the subconscious mind, it helps individuals release and heal from past traumatic experiences, leading to personal growth and transformation.

Relationship Blockages: CHC has been effective in clearing relationship blockages and reactivity. It assists individuals in releasing negative patterns, unresolved emotions, and limiting beliefs that may hinder healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Income Blocks: CHC can address and clear blocks related to income and financial abundance. Identifying and transforming limiting beliefs around money and success, it helps individuals manifest greater abundance and prosperity.

Purpose Navigation: The "Soul Compass" process within CHC supports individuals in navigating their life purpose. It helps them connect with their inner guidance, gain clarity on their path, and align their actions with their true calling.

Mental Health: CHC has shown promise in clearing anxiety, emotional issues, and brain fog. By addressing the underlying subconscious patterns and beliefs that contribute to these challenges, it promotes mental well-being and clarity.

Oracle Function: Additionally, CHC can be utilized as an effective oracle. By accessing the holographic field, it offers precise insights and guidance for individuals seeking clarity, direction, and answers to specific questions.

"These diverse applications highlight the versatility and potential of Conscious Holographic Coding as a powerful tool for personal transformation, healing, and growth."

Why CHC? 

Did you know...

  • Conscious Mind can process an average of 7 Multi-taskings at once.

  • The Subconscious is processing more than 7 Billion tasks at once.

  • CHC uses this subconscious superpower and speed.

What Makes This Different?

Global Personal Development Market is worth approx $12.5B USD

99% of the focus is on the conscious mind.

Less than 1% of the personal development industry is focused here

Yet 99% of the results come from our subconscious editing.

What This Means?

  •     The Subconscious is vastly more powerful.

  •     Equivalent to a black box recorder in an Aeroplane

  •     Records everything from all senses, always, at all times.

  •     Even if you are unconscious, under sedation or under anaesthetic.

  •     Previously believed humans only operated 1-5% of brains capacity

  •     CHC enables the use and access to the whole of our sub-super conscious

  •     Your super-MEGA-computer (subconscious) is now ready to order

  •     You can access these codes via a session or superpower yourself and learn how to do it yourself.

Why is This So Important?


  • The codes to access your own supercomputer are now here.

  • Zap obstacles, limits or resistance .…. to the results you want

  • Revolution in you taking control of your own subconscious

  • You should be the only programmer of you, not another person, entity or organization

Stang-up Meeting

Who Can Benefit From CHC?

  • Parents who want their children to be happy, healthy, and empowered.

  • CEOs who have achieved empty success.

  • Entrepreneurs who want a more fulfilling lifestyle.

  • Office workers who want to improve focus and productivity.

  • Fitness enthusiasts, that want a faster and better results.

  • Athletes that want to improve their game, rank, time, or score.

  • Anybody who has a mindset or emotion set that they can’t escape.

  • Anybody with a glass ceiling has some kind of subconscious block.


How do we do this?


1. IDENTIFY the root cause

2. CLEAR any event trauma associated

with the root cause.

3. REPLACE the external authority

complex with one's own power &

authority, giving you back power over the

root cause,

4. 10 Point Check for whole brain integrity

is empowered.

5. CONFIRM Celebration and integration

of empowerment.

Let’s Work Together

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